
Galatians 6:10

Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.

C4Gp vision is to serve God and care for Gods people who experience oppression, poverty, harassment, hostility because of their faith and through pastoral, spiritual and practical help them to be strong in their faith. Our vision is to encourage Gods people like the apostle Peter did in 1 Peter 5:7 “Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.”


We also want to show care for those of other faiths by sharing the wonderful message of the gospel, Christ has died, Christ has risen, Christ will come again.

Caring for Students in Christian School 

Aim: Many Christian girls face challenges after leaving school. A lack of education, especially if girls have no education, they have to work in homes as a maid or house worker. We want to build up their faith so they remain steadfast and faithful to Gods word and cope with all the challenges that will come their way.

The students at Community Education Centre for Girls come from Poor backgrounds and our heart goes to these students because they desire education of the Lord in the midst of their difficulties. We want to see these students grow and mature into godliness and have a good future for their lives.

There is only handful of Muslim children. We thank God for that they are in a school that teaches bible truth. 


How: This will be done by teaching in classroom and visiting families in their homes.


Needs: Funds for schoolteachers £1,500 per year as well as desks, supplies and equipment.

Caring for Persecuted Families

Aim: Many families suffer due to poverty and all kinds of persecution and hardship. This project aim the visitation of families to build up their faith and to remain steadfast when facing all kinds of persecution due to their faith. We also want to help them practically by suppling food packages 


How: This will be through bible study and prayer and practical help 


Needs: funds for basic needs (food packages) 

£25 per package for 5 families per year for three years

£1,500 per year for three years 

Aim: To build friendships with the those not in the family of God and invite them into the family through Gods love, through fellowship and Gods word. 


How: Through fellowship meals and Bible study


Needs: Literature and expenses

£500 per year

Caring For Those Not In The Family of God.

Caring for Nurses 

Aim: To help nurses grow in their faith through prayer and Bible study as they face all kinds of harassment and discrimination from staff within the hospital and others outside the hospital.


How: This will be done through visitation of hospitals, homes, and conferences. 

Needs: funds for Chaplin and conferences

£800 per year

Aim: to help men growth spiritually through bible study and fellowship


How: Through monthly meetings 

Men’s Fellowship 

Please Pray

  1. Team: Revd Ashley and Afzal 
  2. Health and safety
  3. Wisdom and discernment 
  4. Pray for all those we encounter in the ministries.
  5. Pray for the power and anointing of the Holy spirit on the team.
  6. Pray for those not in the family of God.
  7. Pray for funds to help Gods people.

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